About Us

Who We Are...

HighPoint Church is a Spirit-Filled, Spirit-led, Bible-based community of believers, that is made up of people from all walks of life and backgrounds. In short, we are made up of people just like you. We are a growing church, and we are excited about where God is leading us as we go forward.

We Believe...

  • in one God, revealed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, and authoritative word of God that provides all of the necessary guidelines for Salvation, and the means for living an overcoming and victorious life.
  • that Salvation is a free gift paid for through the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ.
  • that each person can and should have a personal relationship with God.
  • that if we repent (ask God to forgive us and change our direction), He will forgive us of any sins that we have committed.
  • that all of God’s people should be baptized in water subsequent to conversion.
  • that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a promise to each of us as believers. This spirit lives in all believers, helping us to conform to the image of Jesus Christ.
  • that God hears and answers prayer, therefore we offer prayer for the sick as the Bible teaches. (James 5:14-15)
  • in true worship from the heart. Our worship services offer a blend of contemporary and traditional worship music combined with state-of-the-art video to provide a complete worship experience.
  • that the Gifts of the Spirit are still manifested in the modern-day church in order to perfect and complete us as believers.

Church History

HighPoint Church of Brandon was founded as First Pentecostal Church in 1973. The members met for their first service at the one-room Bloomingdale Civic Center, at the corner of Bloomingdale Ave. and Lithia-Pinecrest Rd. Within a year, under the leadership of Pastor Frank Goldsberry, a piece of property at the current location at 2207 Lithia-Pinecrest Rd. was purchased. Soon after that the first building project was completed. As the church grew, a second building was completed. This included a beautiful multi-purpose center, a commercial kitchen, and a full basement (yes, a basement in Florida).

This was the home of Brandon Christian Academy for several years. During that time, many lives were touched (both students and parents). Although the school is no longer operating, lives continue to be touched because of Brandon Christian Academy’s ministry, since many of these students are now working in various ministries across the country.

This portion of the church is now being utilized as Sunday School rooms and an activity center for the youth department.

In October of 2005, the name of the church was officially changed from First Pentecostal Church of Brandon to HighPoint Church of Brandon. At that time Reverend Loran Mejean also took over as our new pastor. As a result, our founding Pastor, Reverend Frank Goldsberry moved from the position of pastor to the position of Bishop.

On May 22, 2016, Pastor Mejean officially retired. David Goldsberry was elected by the congregation as his successor. He has served in various capacities at HighPoint Church for several years, including 35 years as the Music Director. We look forward to seeing Pastor David’s vision for HighPoint Church continue to unfold as we go forward.

We continue to celebrate our Pentecostal heritage, as well as welcoming in a new era of blessings and growth, as we move forward for the Kingdom.