I’m New

Are you searching for answers?

This is a question that many people will read and answer with an overwhelming “Yes”. At some point in our lives, it seems that most of us find ourselves searching for answers to some difficult questions that life throws at us. Such as…

  • Does God really care about me?
  • Why do bad things happen to good people?
  • What do I do about broken relationships?
  • What do I do about my finances?
  • What is Salvation really all about?
  • And so many more…

While we don’t claim to have all the answers, we know the One who does. All of the answers to life’s most difficult questions are found in God’s Word, the Bible. HighPoint Church of Brandon, invites you to come and study the Word with us as we search together for answers to some of those difficult questions.

Plan Your Visit

Here you will discover a warm group of real people dedicated to following our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

What to Expect

We gather in the Main Auditorium at 10:30, on Sunday mornings, for a time of Praise & Worship for the entire family. Our Praise & Worship consists of a blend of both Contemporary and Traditional music.

Praise & Worship is followed by a timely, Bible-based message in the Main Auditorium, and Sunday School for ages 4-12 in the Christian Education Department.

We also invite you to join us for Bible Study on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in Crews Hall. This study is held in a very informal and relaxed atmosphere that allows and encourages participation from all of those in attendance.

Our entire schedule is Bible-based and designed to be relevant to difficult issues that we all face in our lives. When we say that we are…”Helping You To Reach The High Point In Your Walk With Christ“…it’s not just a slogan…it’s our mission.
We look forward to seeing you soon.

Contact Pastor David for more information.

HighPoint Church...Helping You Reach The High Point In Your Walk With Christ

Meet the Pastors

It's Not Just a Slogan

When the name “HighPoint Church Of Brandon” was first proposed, it just sounded right. Every part of the name seemed to fit not just the church’s goals for the community, but also the physical location of the church. (HighPoint Church is located on one of the highest geographical locations in Central Florida.) Though location is very important, it was the first part that intrigued me the most. The idea of a church being a place that exists for the sole purpose of helping people reach the high point of their walk with Christ just blew me away. After all, isn’t that what it’s really all about?

Read what others are saying about their experience at HighPoint Church....
"...if you are ever in a slump in life and you realize that you have gotten away from Christ, all you have to do is walk through HighPoint's doors and you will start to feel the love..."
"...my wife Peggy and I consider it a real blessing to have had the opportunity to visit with you for Bible Study. Thanks for having us, we look forward to seeing you again..."
"...loving, friendly, Jesus-filled people at HighPoint..."

The people who make up the congregation at HighPoint are some of the most wonderful people in the world. We are a multi-cultural, loving, multi-generational, caring, praying group of real people. If you are looking for a place to belong…give us a try. The worship is sincere, the teaching and preaching is Biblical, and practical for everyday living. The love that you feel when you walk in the door is real.

While the phrase “Helping You Reach The High Point In Your Walk With Christ”, might look like a catchy “tag line” at first glance, why not visit with us this Sunday morning and see for yourself that it’s more than just a slogan.

Have Questions or Need Prayer?

We’ll be in touch!
